Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Easter Everybunny!

Kayla left some treats for the bunny since Mia didn't want him visiting our house.  She was okay with him visiting other homes, but not hers.  She was excited though when she saw that he came.  We read Mia and Kayla their first clue on a scavenger hunt to find their baskets.

Their last clue led them out to the deck where they found a new table and chair set for the backyard and their baskets.

Then it was time for the egg hunt!

They both enjoyed treats from their eggs.
Then we got ready for church and after church went over to GiGi and Bear's house.  The Easter Bunny had stopped their too for the girls.  They loved their goodies and new wagon and couldn't wait to take their wagon for a ride.

Daddy bought his girls some flowers that we'll plant in the backyard.

We met our family out for lunch and then went back to Great Mom-Mom's house.

We enjoyed a great Easter together.  Mia told us that the Easter Bunny has now gone back home to live with Santa Claus.

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