10 things about you at 10 months...
1 Your new nickname is "scooter". You are a really fast crawler and scoot all over the place. You also answer to "beany", "beanster", and Mia calls you "sunshine baby".
2 You love to explore all over the house. You love to play with whatever Mia is playing with and be right in on the action.
3 You love to babble and make lots of noises.
Your favorite word is "dada" but you've said "mama" a few times.
4 You are not much of a napper anymore. You take one nap in the middle of the day for a max of 2 hours. Sometimes you will take a little morning or evening snoozer. You go to bed around 930 (still a night owl like mommy) and sleep until 930 (still not a morning person like mommy), waking up usually twice between then to eat or be rocked.Your favorite word is "dada" but you've said "mama" a few times.
5 You love to be rocked, cuddled and held. You love to give hugs and kisses.
6 You have started to crab walk. You like to cruise around the furniture. You can pull yourself up and stand for a few seconds. You smile and get a very proud look on your face when you do this.
7 You love to dance. You have a new move where you stand while holding onto something with one arm and wave the other arm in the air.
8 When you get excited your arms and legs fly everywhere and you screech in delight.
9 You are very drooly.
10 You are very happy and have made the past 10 months very happy for us!
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