Monday, March 21, 2011

9 Months

9 things about you at 9 months...

1  When you get excited or mad, you flex your muscles.
2  You can do "so big" and it is the cutest.  You get so proud of yourself when you do it.

3  You babble all day long and your favorite word is "dada".
4  Things you don't like... getting out of your tubby, when there are no more puffs on your tray, getting your face wiped, when we take a toy away from you, when Mia cries, the vacuum, the hair dryer, being cold.

5  You love music and have your own few dance moves.
6  You put everything in your mouth.

7  You can walk when pushing your stroller and shopping cart.
8  You can wave and clap.
9  You got your first tooth! And now you have two!

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