Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3 months

3 things about you at 3 months...
1. You have graduated from your swaddle me to a sleep sack and like to sleep with your hands by your head. You have graduated from your bassinet to your crib. You have graduated from sleeping gowns to footie jommies.
2. You love the nightlife! You take frequent naps during the day but you love to stay awake at night from about 9pm-11 or midnight. Sometimes you get fussy during this time and you like to eat a lot and for me to hold you. At midnight is when you usually go to sleep for the night and you, your sister, and I sleep until 9 am and then begin our day together.
3. You
-love to hold our fingers
-like to hold your hands together
-love to be rocked
-love your swing
-smile when you hear Mia
-wear 3-6 month clothes
-don't like the hiccups
-like to watch Mia
-love to dance, listen to music and watch Barney
-enjoy your playmat and kick your legs like crazy when playing on it
-love to nap on the beach
-love car rides

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