Sunday, August 15, 2010

From the Mouth of Mia

I bumped my knee and said "ouch".

Mia said, "You hurt, Ma? Sorry. It accident. You boo boo? Ahh man."

I was eating chocolate and Mia wanted some but I told her to eat what she had on her plate.

She told me, "Share, Ma."

Mia took Kayla's binky away from her.

"Kayla you big girl. No binky."

I noticed Mia didn't have her hair bow in. I asked her where it was.

She said, "Uhh...Dad's hair!" (And it was.)

Mommy..."Mia are you going to eat your brocolli and cheese?"

Mia..."Not sure. Uhhhh, Mayyyybe."

Mommy..."Time for your nap Mia"

Mia..."No, soon."

Mia..."Ma has purple toes, Mia has purple toes, Da want purple toes?"

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